Platform “Komentari” brings together professionals that offer the public a critical view of the events taking place in Georgia and the World.

Promoting Democratization of Justice System in Georgia

Donor: USAID Rule of Law Program (RoLP)

Amount Granted: USD 43 494,48

Duration: 01/10/2022 - 30/06/2023

Project Title: “Promoting Democratization of Justice System in Georgia”

Project Description: The project aims to raise public awareness regarding the justice sector problems by filling in the information gaps regarding the impact of justice sector issues on the citizens of Georgia.

Project Results: To this end, the project team develops easily accessible content on the key improvements and backslides of the justice sector, Georgia’s international commitments with respect to justice sector reforms, and contemporary discussions regarding justice reforms taking place globally. Multimedia products are also being disseminated within the project framework.