Platform “Komentari” brings together professionals that offer the public a critical view of the events taking place in Georgia and the World.

Empower Society on Social Policy Issues (ONGOING)

Donor: Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Amount Granted: 48 016 GEL

Duration: 01/03/2024 – 31/10/2024

Project Title: “Empower society on social policy issues through delivering diverse perspectives from economic, legal, and social angles”

Project Description: The project aims to overcome social nihilism by offering alternative sources of knowledge and critical analysis. Its goal is to strengthen the understanding of critical social issues among the citizens of Georgia from an economic, legal and social perspective.

Project Results: As a result of the project, articles, multimedia products on social issues will be elaborated. The prepared materials will be disseminated on the website and social media. As a result, the population's access to critical analysis of social policy will increase.