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The future of the labor market: the need to rethink labor and social policy in the digital age
June 26, 2023

In the era of rapid technological development, examples of atypical labor are increasing. It is crucial to critically consider the transformation of work and employment and the consequences that will affect various social processes over time.

The following article aims to delve into the multifaceted challenges posed by the gig economy and explore potential solutions to ensure the well-being and safety of workers.

Why should I be interested in this topic?

The rapid growth of the gig-economy has created unique opportunities, as well as challenges. Even though gig work is associated with flexibility and entrepreneurial freedom, it often comes at the cost of not recognizing safety at work, social protection, and adequate compensation.

The evolution of the gig economy and its expansion affects the future of the labor market and, therefore, us all. The future implications of the gig economy require everyone's attention, regardless of whether they are gig workers or hold other employment statuses.

A thorough study of this topic and the implementation of the right policies are essential to protecting the rights of individuals and their welfare. This is to make the future labor market fairer and more sustainable.

Our comment

The state bears the responsibility to protect gig workers' rights and their welfare. In order to achieve justice, power dynamics, exploitative practices, and structural inequalities in the gig economy must be critically examined. Labor and social policies must be reviewed in order to address these challenges.

This should include consideration of measures such as recognizing gig workers as employees, proposing fair salaries, access to healthcare and pension savings systems, and collective bargaining mechanisms

Furthermore, workers should have access to education and training programs that allow them to continuously improve their skills and qualifications.

What are the challenges?

Implementing effective policies in the gig economy comes with various challenges. One of the main challenges is striking the balance between maintaining flexibility (which attracts workers to the gig economy) and ensuring adequate protection. This requires finding novel ways of redefining employment classification that accurately reflects the nature of gig work and ensures appropriate rights and benefits. 

Another serious challenge lies in ensuring platform-based companies' compliance. The gig economy operates on digital platforms that are mostly international. This makes it difficult to enforce labor regulations, impose liability on companies, protect workers and treat them fairly. In order to overcome this challenge, it is necessary to develop innovative regulation approaches, as well as effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms.

Power imbalance is also a significant obstacle. When negotiating with platform-based companies, gig workers face significant differences in power, which can make them vulnerable to exploitative practices and unfair treatment. Addressing this power imbalance requires the possibility of collective bargaining and establishing such mechanisms, which will enable gig workers to effectively fight for their rights and improve working conditions.

The capitalist policies of platforms pose significant challenges to the regulation of the gig economy. Platform-based companies' dominant position and economic power can further differentiate the labor market and hinder efforts to enforce workers' rights. Fighting against this influence requires practical analysis of broader socio-economic structures and power dynamics, as well as consideration of alternative models of property ownership and governance, that prioritize workers' welfare

It should be noted that in Georgia, one of the prominent examples of protests against the challenges that gig workers face is the case of couriers' strikes.

For more details, see: The Gig Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Workers

What should be in the state's best interests?

State interests in the context of the gig economy are multidimensional. They must, however, be fundamentally based on protecting citizens' well-being and promoting social justice. As the gig economy continues to grow and change the labor market, the state has a responsibility to protect gig workers' labor rights.

One of the key aspects of the state's interest is to ensure fair wages and benefits for gig workers. A lot of gig workers have unstable incomes and lack access to traditional employment benefits such as health insurance and pension policies.

As a result of enacting needs-based legislation that sets minimum wage standards, employers will be compelled to pay fair compensation, and social protection will be extended to include gig workers. By doing so, the state can alleviate inequality in platform labor and ensure safe working conditions.

Besides, the state should facilitate creating an auxiliary regulatory environment, which encourages responsible platform-based organizations in the gig economy. This should include such measures as bringing labor regulations in line with tax requirements and safety standards. State and organizations cooperation in these processes is essential. Repressive, sanctions-based policy (that will be ultimately harmful to all parties) should not be selected.

At the same time, strengthening worker representation and promoting collective bargaining is necessary to put gig workers' interests on the agenda. The state can play a vital role in developing mechanisms, that will enable gig workers to hold negotiations for better working conditions and participate in the decision-making process regarding issues, that impact their welfare. This will be a significant step forward as workers will be given the opportunity to have their voices heard more clearly.


In the digital age, the future of work requires critical reconsideration of labor and social policy. Understanding the challenges of the gig economy and taking a foresight approach will make it possible to create a future where work is fairer, safer, and more stable. A priority must be given to renewing social policies that adapt to the evolving nature of the labor market and the welfare of all workers.

Collaboration between states, international organizations, trade unions, and platform-based companies is critical to achieving these goals. In the process of developing the right policies, it is essential to employ researches and critical theories to take into account all the existing problems and challenges the labor market faces today. Based on the experiences and best practices of different countries, states can develop approaches tailored to local contexts.

Adopting innovative approaches, employing the recommendations of the International Labor Organization, and putting workers' interests at the forefront, makes it possible to create a future where technological development and the labor market are in a harmonious compilation. It will benefit both individuals and society as a whole.


The article was prepared with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung. Commercial use of all media published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is not permitted without the written consent of the FES.

Content Contributors
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Omar Gordeziani
მერაბ ქართველიშვილი
Merab Kartvelishvili
Co-founder, Editor of Social Policy Direction
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Mariam Svimonishvili